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Books Authored

  1. 'General & Molecular Spectroscopy' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University             
  2. 'Physical Chemistry' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University         
  3. 'Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University
  4. 'Organic Chemistry' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University
  5. 'General & Molecular Spectroscopy' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University (Hindi Edition)
  6. 'Physical Chemistry' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University (Hindi Edition)
  7. 'Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry' for B.Sc. IIIrd year Students of Avadh University (Hindi Edition)
  8. 'Physical Chemistry' for B.Sc. IInd year Students of Avadh University
  9. 'Inorganic Chemistry' for B.Sc. IInd year Students of Avadh University
  10. 'Organic Chemistry' for B.Sc. IInd year Students of Avadh University
  11. 'Physical Chemistry' for B.Sc. Ist year Students of Avadh University            
  12. 'Inorganic Chemistry' for B.Sc. Ist year Students of Avadh University           
  13. 'Organic Chemistry' for B.Sc. Ist year Students of Avadh University
  14. 'Practical Chemistry' for B.Sc. Ist year Students of Avadh University
  15. 'Practical Engineering Chemistry for B.E. Students of Various Engineering Colleges
  16. 'Objective Chemistry' for Engineering & Medical Entrance Examinations (About 1500 pages, book released in January 2002)

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